

Fork the repo, then install all development requirements with:

pip install -r development.txt

When your changes are ready, submit a pull request!


For formatting and code style, we use black. Docstrings should follow the Google Python Style Guide.


To run the tests, execute pytest at the root of the project.

To run the tests with coverage enabled, execute:

pytest --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=pyfuncol --cov-report=xml


The docs are hosted on Read the Docs. Source files are in docs/source/.

To build them locally, run in docs/:

make html

The HTML files will be stored in docs/build/.

Project structure

┌── docs - Contains the docs source code
├── pyfuncol - Contains all the library source code
    ├── tests - Contains tests for all the modules
    ├── - Contains the function calls that extend built-in types
    ├── - Contains extension functions for dictionaries
    ├── - Contains extension functions for lists
    └── ...
└── ...


To publish a new release on PyPI:

  1. Update the version in

  2. Update the version (release field) in docs/source/

  3. Create a new release on GitHub. The newly created tag and the release title should match the version in and docs/source/ with ‘v’ prepended. An example: for version 1.1.1, the tag and release title should be v1.1.1.

The GitHub release creation will trigger the deploy workflow that builds and uploads the project to PyPI.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is here. By contributing to pyfuncol, you implicitly accept it.