Source code for pyfuncol.list

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, Optional, TypeVar, List, cast
import functools
import dask

A = TypeVar("A")
B = TypeVar("B")
K = TypeVar("K")
U = TypeVar("U")

[docs]def map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], B]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function to all elements of this list. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ return cast(List[B], type(self)(f(x) for x in self))
[docs]def filter(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which satisfy a predicate. Args: p: The predicate to satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ return type(self)(x for x in self if p(x))
[docs]def filter_not(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which do not satisfy a predicate. Args: p: The predicate to not satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ return type(self)(x for x in self if not p(x))
[docs]def flat_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], List[B]]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function to all elements of this list and using the elements of the resulting collections. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ return cast(List[B], type(self)(y for x in self for y in f(x)))
[docs]def flatten(self: List[A]) -> List[B]: """ Converts this list of lists into a list formed by the elements of these lists. Returns: The flattened list. """ return cast(List[B], type(self)(y for x in self for y in x))
[docs]def contains(self: List[A], elem: A) -> bool: """ Tests whether this list contains a given value as element. Args: elem: The element to look for. Returns: True if the list contains the element, False otherwise. """ return elem in self
[docs]def distinct(self: List[A]) -> List[A]: """ Selects all the elements of this list ignoring the duplicates. Returns: The list without duplicates. """ return type(self)((set(self)))
[docs]def foreach(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], U]) -> None: """ Apply f to each element for its side effects. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements for its side effects. """ for x in self: f(x)
[docs]def group_by(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], K]) -> Dict[K, List[A]]: """ Partitions this list into a dict of lists according to some discriminator function. Args: f: The grouping function. Returns: A dictionary where elements are grouped according to the grouping function. """ d = defaultdict(type(self)) for x in self: k = f(x) d[k].append(x) return dict(d)
[docs]def is_empty(self: List[A]) -> bool: """ Tests whether the list is empty. Returns: True if the list is empty, False otherwise. """ return len(self) == 0
[docs]def size(self: List[A]) -> int: """ Computes the size of this list. Returns: The size of the list. """ return len(self)
[docs]def find(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> Optional[A]: """ Finds the first element of the list satisfying a predicate, if any. Args: p: The predicate to satisfy. Returns: The first element satisfying the predicate, otherwise None. """ for x in self: if p(x): return x return None
[docs]def index_of(self: List[A], elem: A) -> int: """ Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this list. Returns -1 if none exists. Args: elem: The element whose index is to find. Returns: The index of the first occurrence of the element, or -1 if it does not exists. """ for i, x in enumerate(self): if x == elem: return i return -1
[docs]def fold_left(self: List[A], z: B, op: Callable[[B, A], B]) -> B: """ Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this sequence, going left to right. Args: z: The start value. op: The binary operation. Returns: The result of inserting op between consecutive elements of this sequence, going left to right with the start value z on the left: op(...op(z, x_1), x_2, ..., x_n) where x1, ..., xn are the elements of this sequence. Returns z if this sequence is empty. """ acc = z for x in self: acc = op(acc, x) return acc
[docs]def fold_right(self: List[A], z: B, op: Callable[[A, B], B]) -> B: """ Applies a binary operator to all elements of this list and a start value, going right to left. Args: z: The start value. op: The binary operation. Returns: The result of inserting op between consecutive elements of this list, going right to left with the start value z on the right: op(x_1, op(x_2, ... op(x_n, z)...)) where x1, ..., xn are the elements of this list. Returns z if this list is empty. """ acc = z for x in reversed(self): acc = op(x, acc) return acc
[docs]def forall(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> bool: """ Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this list. Args: p: The predicate used to test elements. Returns: True if this list is empty or the given predicate p holds for all elements of this list, otherwise False. """ for x in self: if not p(x): return False return True
[docs]def tail(self: List[A]) -> List[A]: """ The rest of the collection without its first element. Raises: IndexError: If the iterable collection is empty. """ if not self: raise IndexError() return self[1:]
[docs]def take(self: List[A], n: int) -> List[A]: """ Selects the first n elements. Args: n: The number of elements to take from this list. Returns: A list consisting only of the first n elements of this list, or else the whole list, if it has less than n elements. If n is negative, returns an empty list. """ if n < 0: return type(self)() if len(self) <= n: return self return self[0:n]
[docs]def length(self: List[A]) -> int: """ Returns the length (number of elements) of the list. `size` is an alias for length. Returns: The length of the list """ return len(self)
[docs]def to_iterator(self: List[A]) -> Iterator[A]: """ Converts this list to an iterator. Returns: An iterator """ return (x for x in self)
# Parallel operations
[docs]def par_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], B]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function in parallel to all elements of this list. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ return cast( List[B], type(self)((dask.compute(*(dask.delayed(f)(x) for x in self)))) )
[docs]def par_filter(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects in parallel all elements of this list which satisfy a predicate. Args: p: The predicate to satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ preds = dask.compute(*(dask.delayed(p)(x) for x in self)) return type(self)(x for i, x in enumerate(self) if preds[i])
[docs]def par_filter_not(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects in parallel all elements of this list which do not satisfy a predicate. Args: p: The predicate to not satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ preds = dask.compute(*(dask.delayed(p)(x) for x in self)) return type(self)(x for i, x in enumerate(self) if not preds[i])
[docs]def par_flat_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], List[B]]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function in parallel to all elements of this list and using the elements of the resulting collections. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ applications = dask.compute(*(dask.delayed(f)(x) for x in self)) return cast(List[B], type(self)(z for y in applications for z in y))
[docs]def pure_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], B]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function to all elements of this list using memoization to improve performance. WARNING: f must be a PURE function i.e., calling f on the same input must always lead to the same result! Type A must be hashable using `hash()` function. Args: f: The PURE function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ f_cache = functools.cache(f) return cast(List[B], type(self)(f_cache(x) for x in self))
[docs]def pure_flat_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], List[B]]) -> List[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function to all elements of this list and using the elements of the resulting collections using memoization to improve performance. WARNING: f must be a PURE function i.e., calling f on the same input must always lead to the same result! Type A must be hashable using `hash()` function. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new list. """ f_cache = functools.cache(f) return cast(List[B], type(self)(y for x in self for y in f_cache(x)))
[docs]def pure_filter(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which satisfy a predicate using memoization to improve performance. WARNING: p must be a PURE function i.e., calling p on the same input must always lead to the same result! Type A must be hashable using `hash()` function. Args: p: The predicate to satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ p_cache = functools.cache(p) return type(self)(x for x in self if p_cache(x))
[docs]def pure_filter_not(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> List[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which do not satisfy a predicate using memoization to improve performance. WARNING: p must be a PURE function i.e., calling p on the same input must always lead to the same result! Type A must be hashable using `hash()` function. Args: p: The predicate not to satisfy. Returns: The filtered list. """ p_cache = functools.cache(p) return type(self)(x for x in self if not p_cache(x))
[docs]def lazy_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], B]) -> Iterator[B]: """ Builds a new list by applying a function to all elements of this list, lazily. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new lazy list, as an iterator. """ for x in self: yield f(x)
[docs]def lazy_filter(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> Iterator[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which satisfy a predicate, lazily. Args: p: The predicate to satisfy. Returns: The filtered lazy list, as an iterator. """ for x in self: if p(x): yield x
[docs]def lazy_filter_not(self: List[A], p: Callable[[A], bool]) -> Iterator[A]: """ Selects all elements of this list which do not satisfy a predicate, lazily. Args: p: The predicate to not satisfy. Returns: The filtered lazy list, as an iterator. """ for x in self: if not p(x): yield x
[docs]def lazy_flat_map(self: List[A], f: Callable[[A], List[B]]) -> Iterator[B]: """ Builds a new lazy list by applying a function to all elements of this list and using the elements of the resulting collections. Args: f: The function to apply to all elements. Returns: The new lazy list, as an iterator. """ return (y for x in self for y in f(x))
[docs]def lazy_flatten(self: List[A]) -> Iterator[B]: """ Converts this list of lists into a lazy list formed by the elements of these lists. Returns: The flattened lazy list, as an iterator. """ return (y for x in self for y in x)
[docs]def lazy_distinct(self: List[A]) -> Iterator[A]: """ Selects all the elements of this list ignoring the duplicates, lazily. Returns: The lazy list without duplicates, as an iterator. """ for x in set(self): yield x
[docs]def lazy_take(self: List[A], n: int) -> Iterator[A]: """ Selects the first n elements, lazily. Args: n: The number of elements to take from this list. Returns: A lazy list (as an iterator) consisting only of the first n elements of this list, or else the whole lazy list, if it has less than n elements. If n is negative, returns an empty lazy list. """ if n < 0: yield from () if len(self) <= n: for x in self: yield x else: for i in range(n): yield self[i]